ask jenna services

This service is free. 🙂 

Yup, I just want to offer something to those who can’t afford to see me one-on-one. Your questions may also help others, so your vulnerability and willingness to share are appreciated by all. Please feel free to ask me (almost) anything and I’ll do my darndest to help. 

Send an email to or pop a question in the chat and I will offer you recommendations that may help you with your life challenges. Your name and personal information will be held confidentially and will never be distributed. I will not reveal who the questions are from but they will be answered publicly on my blog and/or via the Jenna Skidmore social media channels.  

This mailbox is jammed! So please be patient. If your question is selected it may take up to 6 weeks until your question is featured on my blog. Thank you for your understanding.

By writing to you grant Jenna Skidmore and your permission to publish your question on the website and our social media channels.

This column, its author, and are not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice or recommendation in any given situation. You and only you are responsible for your own actions.

Jenna Skidmore and reserve the right to edit the length and clarity of any question you send and offer no guarantee that all questions will be responded to.

If you are struggling with your mental health or are suicidal please contact your physician immediately. The recommendations offered by Jenna are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, medical, legal, or other professional advice. Please know that my heart is with you. 

Sending love always,
